Everyday I fall more in love with the work that I was called to do. I am so honored that I share something that transforms lives. I took a leap of faith and I never looked back because, you see, that is what must happen for us to transform into who we are meant to be. Through the messy journey, I found my calling. I made a promise that I would share that journey with others who are crying out for hope. Every single trial brought me to this place. Now, I get to link arms with others and bring them hope. I dreamed of helping other women who want nothing more than to be with their babies and live an abundant life. And now, through the grace of God, and the Inspiring Hope Project, I get to do just that. Through generous essential oil donations from other beautiful mothers and women all over our country, my dream is taking flight. Today I have the honor of packaging up oils for a beautiful mother who prayed for hope and it landed on my heart and now she too can have the beautiful blessings of these oils and this uplifting community surrounding her. With tears streaming from my eyes and a heart so full, I package up these blessings and send it across the country into the hands of a mother. And I will be here praying for you on your journey. xo-Angela